All copper air compressor valve pipe damage due to insufficient weld strength, spread shock waves caused by the explosion crater tear gas. Plus pipeline on the bracket is not strong, multi-bend pipes arranged uneven force caused by the impact of the pipeline bounce fall.
All-copper air compressor valve from the field of oil, the cooler of coke (3-4mm thick), a valve chamber (volume oil serious, local sludge thickness up to 10mm), the description of the compressor oiler oiling amount and timing sewage is not timely, thorough overhaul charcoal not clear, resulting in sludge, coke, coke volume.
All-copper air compressor valve damage state analysis
All-copper air compressor valve from damage morphology (1) analysis, in the compressor workshop for the explosion source. Cooler for the sector in the form of explosions and destruction, so causing severe damage to the equipment sector to post-secondary cylinder. Making plant blast wall weak portion by impact damage slump.